Navigating Spaces and Identities - workshop

Curated by Alice Novello (they/them) and Francesca Grendele (she/her).

The term queer, which in English means "strange" or "different," became prominent during the 20th century as a form of reclamation, to assert the right to be different, to allow oneself not to conform to the status quo of gender, sexuality, and also a lifestyle not recognized by imposed social norms.

In this workshop, we attemped to uncover the hidden life of a "bronsa cuerta" (a smoldering ember). What does it mean to live a "queer" life, and what do we need to feel free in our personal and social expression?

What do we need to (survive)thrive? How do we create queer spaces while maintaining local roots? What is a queer space?


Gender Studies 101 - course production


(dis)connected genders - workshop production and facilitation