Ascoltare il conflitto: pratiche di amore rispetto e disaccordo

Anger Shouldn't Be Cute: Practices of Love, Respect, and Disagreement.

Workshop with Susanna Gonzo (artist) and Alice Novello (researcher).

"Cute" derives from the Latin cutis meaning "skin," and is an abbreviation of accurate, meaning precise. The origin of the word suggests care and attention to the sensations we feel on our skin, in our body. Today, however, cute seems to be more about retreating into what is charming, reassuring, harmless, and can become a strategy to avoid difficult feelings and the macro and micro conflicts that require our presence and commitment—a kind of anesthetic that forces our bodies into automatic reactions.

In this workshop, we want to ask: How do we react to conflict? What happens within us? What sensations do we experience?

The workshop will offer an initial approach to listening to the reactions that arise during a conflict, whether it’s with ourselves, with those close to us, or in broader social, even global, contexts.

Furthermore we made space for understanding what are the tools that can support us through conflicts, and every participant made a conflict-amulet that is there to remind us what can support us during moments of conflict or anger. Participants could make an amulet for themselves or gift one to someone else.


Capitalism Cutified. Panel production and Moderation.


CUTE - curation and production