CUTE - festival production and curation

In the sixth edition of the yearly interdisciplinary festival testemobili, taking place on 6-7-8th of September in the province of Vicenza (Italy), we will address the theme "CUTE," particularly in the context of cutification. Cutification is "the process of simplifying and stylizing complex concepts into cute and digestible forms. It represents a powerful tool to expedite and rationalize ideas and communication processes, making them more understandable."

We have observed how complex themes such as ecology, community, work, gender roles, protests, wars, and many others, through social media, have undergone this process of cutification. With this edition, we want to understand how this translates into artistic and social expression in our territory and beyond.

Does making and wanting to make the world we live in cuter help us interpret reality, or is it a way to ignore and make more palatable topics that might be unpleasant? Are we making the world better or simply turning a blind eye? Can cutification be a form of resistance or dissemination?

During the festival, we will reflect on the theme through a rich musical and cultural program that will promote dialogue between art and music, and especially between artists and local citizens.

My role in the festival is curator, program manager, and art director.


Anger Shouldn't Be Cute. Workshop production and facilitation.


AAAAA che cute - Essay on cutification