From Mickey Mouse to Sailor Moon, from kittens to IDF’s TikTok Influencers: capitalismo cutified.

Panel with Noura tafeche (artist, researcher and artista, ricercatrice e onomaturge), Matilde Manicardi (writer and editor), Valentina Gonzo (Art historian), Alice Novello (co-founder testemobili, researcher)

Hello Kitty branded guns, Ukrainian female soldiers gone viral for their cat ear headbands, Israeli TikTokers posting daily dance videos during their military service, four Minions movies in theaters and a growing franchise, round and cute lamps at home, puppy-shaped toasters.

The "cute" aesthetic pervades social media and homes, but what do these adorable cartoon characters have in common with war, propaganda, and products bought on SHEIN and AliExpress? What draws millions of adults to be fascinated by these round, weak, and feminized forms? What do they cover, simplify, and ease?

In this panel with Noura Tafeche, Valentina Gonzo, Matilde Manicardi, moderated by Alice Novello, we discussed how the cute aesthetic has developed and become popular, and what its intersections are with the normalization of war and violence.

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Anger Shouldn't Be Cute. Workshop production and facilitation.